As some of you know we are expecting a baby girl in April. We were shocked by this news. I had been down with surgery and then had a pretty bad bladder/kidney infection hit me as we were to depart for our trip to Kansas to see Brady's family. I was so sick and not sure about taking the sixteen hour road trip but decided even if I was sick on the way over, I would enjoy my time there. And, I could not stand the thought of making Brady miss out on his family. He misses his Dad more than words can say and I knew he needed to spend some time with him. So, we loaded up, me with a pan to puke in just in case.
The journey was miserable. I got three migraines and couldn't keep much down. My boys were angels. They did not fight, they listened, and they didn't give me any trouble. We got in late at night just as I started another migraine. I lose my vision and start to get very sick so I went in the house and went right to bed. (I was loads of fun at this time I have to say.) Brady and the boys visited that night for a bit and then also went to bed.
The rest of the trip I was better than those first few days, but still didn't feel well at all. The doctor called me about midway through and said I also had another type of infection in the bladder, which meant another antibiotic. He also switched the first antibiotic as I was having an allergic reaction to it. I started those medications with much faith that I would now see an improvement.
I tried to go and do as much as I could and hated myself for being weak. I thought, really Krista, toughen up. People get sick, deal with it. But, I was admittedly miserable.
After we made is home I felt a little better, but not much, and some of the symptoms just would not go away. I saw my Doctor at this point and was treated with another antibiotic, which I was again allergic to. So upon a second visit and this time a clear urine test, he decided to send me to ultrasound to see if there might be a cyst on my kidney.
I laid there as the girl started the test thinking how funny it was to be here not for a baby. She said the kidneys looked great, quite a relief! I had honestly begun to think I may have some deathly disease, family history would point one in that direction. She kept scanning and I wondered why. So, I asked. She looked at me and said, "Do you see that little dark area, that sac?" Yes, I did. She said, "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" "No," I answered with firm resolve. I then informed her I didn't get pregnant. Then felt the need to explain....which made matters worse. I told her "NO, I have to try to get pregnant." I really should have shut up at this point but again felt I had to explain. (I know it's I told her about the fertility problems we had experienced and that I really didn't think I could be pregnant. She suggested I go get a test.
So, off to the clinic in tears I went. Could this be? How could it happen? (Oh don't worry I embarrassed myself further and actually asked the doctor that.) I started to think back to periods and dates. I couldn't remember the last one. I had been so sick and laid up with surgery that I hadn't thought about it, it wasn't a concern.
Needless to say the test was positive. I went back for another ultrasound and she so sweetly let me know I was about 7 weeks pregnant. I have never been so shocked in all my life. I remember walking through that day and the next two weeks like a zombie. Oh how my life would change! I know it sounds funny to think it wasn't all joy and happiness after trying six years for little Fred. But, it was so shocking! And I have very serious concerns about the NICU. My body doesn't do well with pregnancy and I didn't want to put another baby through that.
I have since mellowed out a little. I feel a little better, which helps immensely. I am grateful to be blessed with this pregnancy. I have started contractions, dilating, and thinning. But, the Doc is on top of it and I have to have faith that by doing all I can Heavenly Father will do the rest.
My sweet husband has worked, lived on as little as one hour of sleep, made dinner some nights, cleaned, and loved me through it all. I love him so much and am grateful for his love. My boys are amazing. Dylan picks up, does what I can't, he hauls Fred's fat little butt around, and he cuddles up to me when I don't feel well. Fred loves me through it all. His sweet little loves and hugs helps me through the days.
I wouldn't be the person I am today without my parents. And I can guarantee I would not be handling this pregnancy and it's trials without them either. They are so strong and so very generous. They have always went without to see that us kids had what we needed and wanted, and they continue to do so. I love them more than words could say and hope they know how much I appreciate all they do.
I have always been close to my Grandparents, and am so grateful. They have also done so much for me. They have taught me so much and been so generous through my life. I feel like it's a gift to have them in my life and now in my children's lives. I love them all so much!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thank You Kelsie!!

I didn't get Fred into the school this year for pictures. I was sick the first go round and at a meeting the second. I called up my friend Kelsie Mason whom I worked with at the Salina Pool and she said she would take some pics! The day we decided on was the day before a big storm and quite cold, but we went for it! The boys were so good and are Amazing! She even got Fred to behave and smile, quite a feat!
The picture of the two boys leaning against the green building cracks me up. Kels tried to get them to lean against it and put one knee up. Dylan did and then Fred tried. It was soooo funny! He looked at Dylan and knew what he was supposed to be doing but couldn't for the life of him get his knee in the right place. He laughed, Dylan laughed, and we laughed. It was so sweet. It made me think of just how closely he does watch Dylan. He tries to do everything he does, and for the most part succeeds. Dylan is a great big brother. He protects Fred and loves him endlessly. He teaches him what he can, and is quite patient through the process.
I told a friend recently that I had doubts when I was pregnant with Fred that I could love another baby as much as I love Dylan, and I did. He had been my world for six years. But love is an amazing thing and seemed to just grow around and include our little Fred. I am so grateful for these boys!
Oh the Joys....

I had to squeeze this picture in. It just cracks me up. These two are hilarious. We went to play some baseball and these two nuts got my phone. I use this picture as my screensaver on my phone. Looking at it every day makes me laugh. I love my family and the joy they bring. We have so much fun getting together and laughing.
Random Fourth of July

Fourth of July....yes I know I am behind!
We had a great Fourth this year. I was still laid up from another surgery, but getting around ok. I didn't feel great and at this point I was blaming that on surgery. Little did we know we had a baby on the way! That shocking news came in August....
For the Fourth we went to the games as usual. No pics, it was hard enough just to keep up with Fred, let alone photograph anything! After the park everyone needed to cool off and rest so we headed home. We were so happy to have Nanny Bart with us this year. She is such a special part of our family and makes any get together so fun. Some played cards, some slept, and some ate:).
We were also happy that Big Fred and Barbara could come to visit. The kids love seeing them and Brady was thrilled to spend some time with his parents. He misses them so much. I was grateful they could come.
After we rested we headed to Jack's house. He is so generous every year to invite us to watch the parade under shade and with plenty of refreshments. Things were a bit different this year as Dylan was in the parade. Fred was excited to watch for him. When he came by on the big firetruck the kids got so excited! I missed watching him chase candy and realizing this is part of growing up.
All in all it was a great Holiday!
All Star Baseball

Dylan was asked to play on the All Star Baseball Team this year. He had a blast. I was so proud of him and how much he improved through the season. He played a few games, most of which I was able to attend. The only two I couldn't get to Tara and Mom were able to take him to. This broke my heart, but he thought it was pretty awesome. He loves our family and spending time with them. And, a trip with Nanny Bart and Grandma Seals ended with one spoiled, happy boy!
I love watching Dylan grow and improve at each sport he plays. However, it makes me a little sad to think of how much he has grown up. I cannot believe he is 9 years old and in fourth grade. He is such a good boy and do not know what I would do without him. He helps around the house and is my little buddy. I told him he couldn't grow up and he told me, "Mom....I HAVE to go to college silly!" I dread the day he leaves....
Catching Up....

Here goes my attempt to catch this blog up. I think about it alot, especially as I look through my sister's and friend's blogs. But, time is an issue for us. So, we get to things as we can.
This picture was last summer, Fred hanging out on the porch. He loves to be outside. He loves that he can control going in and out the screen doors.
While I was laid up from surgery my Mom was here helping. She was trying to cook and clean and Fred wanted out. She was worried about the road and slid the lock on the screen door into place. Well.....Fred does what Fred wants. So, he simply pushed a hole through the bottom of the screen and let himself out. What a character!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Little Fred is two!!

I cannot believe it was two years ago that we had our little Fred. I was so scared that day and for the next several as well. He was a fighter from the beginning. He had things to do and places to be. I have to say also, he is definately Fred. Mom and I still call him Dax some but he is our little Freddy Bear. He for sure acts like big Fred:)
Dylan adores him. I am so grateful that they have one another. They are the best of friends and so good to one another. I was worried because of their age difference, but it really has not ever been an issue.
Today on his birthday he is doing great! He is so much fun, laughs at everything, loves everyone, and cracks us up regularly. He loves to yell at Cass and Oreo, our dogs. He thinks he can boss them around, it's pretty cute. He loves his Dad, it's so sweet to watch them play:) If Dad is doing something Fred loves to be right in the thick of things. I know Brady thinks he is a GREAT helper:) He LOVES Nemo. It is his favorite. He is not a big TV watcher but he will watch Nemo over and over and over again. (Perhaps he has Dory's syndrome:)) I love to hear him shout at MEEMO:)) He is such a special boy and we love him dearly.
I will try to put updated pictures on later....I am not good at keeping up with my blog. Life is just so busy, but we will do better!
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